Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Untitled (because I'm too tired to think of anything else)

This week, so far, hasn't been too boring, but I think what's happening tomorrow will probably beat anything that's happened so far. Pioneer Treks do that to you.

Remember that talk I mentioned earlier? Well, nothing exciting happened during that. Although my name was spelled incorrectly on the program.


Anyway, so no big updates today. That main reason I'm even writing is to tell everyone that I'll be gone until Saturday evening. As I said before, the Pioneer Trek is tomorrow. I probably won't get an update on until Sunday, most likely later.

But anyway, I'm pretty excited overall. I don't really know what expect (except from what my dad told me about how it was last time - he was a leader) but I think it should be fun enough. My only real fear is that I'll forget something vitally important like shoes or something. Or that it will start snowing. Yeah... that'd be bad too.

Whatever. I'm fairly excited and I'm hoping for the best.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Freakishly Busy

Alright, so these past two days have been insane. I've been busy almost all day on both days! But the good kind of busy. Some of the things I did were really fun.

Yesterday, I woke up very earlier. It was 8:30. That's unheard of for me. The previous day, I'd woken up at noon. So something weird was going on.

Anyway, so I got up and went outside and found my mom pulling weeds in the frontyard. I helped her with that for a while. Then, I went inside.

You remember all that stuff I said about the Pioneer Trek on a previous post? Well, in case you don't, I mentioned a 3-5 mile hike. Well, because it was such a nice day, it had rained, my mom, my friend Olivia, who also needed the requirement, and I went on it. Kinda. We sorta walked to the mall from my house, walked around the mall, and walked back. But hey, it counts right? It was 3-5 miles...

Shortly after that, we went and did baptisms for the dead with my cousin. (For those who may not know what that means, it's a church thing. I might explain later.) It was another thing for the Trek. Seriously, my cousin and my dad and I were so rowdy. But dang, it was hilarious. Really, who else, besides us, would ever talk about bloody injuries, pus, and gays in the temple? Good times, good times... (I have a rather funny story about that I have to tell you later. I'm short on time now but I'll tell it in another post. If I forget, please remind me in the comments.)

So after that, I went to my friend Brianne's house. I had a really great time. We hung out and watched movies the whole time. One of the things we watched was the musical "Rent". It wasn't as good as "Wicked" (but hey, what is?) but it really was good. I highly suggest it. I might write a review on the later.

Alright! Second day! Well, I'd gotten home fairly late from Brianne's, about 11:30, so I was kind of tired in the morning. At about 10:30, the phone rang. It was my friend Dorothy Ann, who had gotten surgery on Friday. She was telling me about it when my mom reminded me we were leaving soon. So, although, I would've liked to have spoken longer, I said good-bye to Dorothy and got ready to leave. We met my mom's friend and her daughter, Lindsay, my very good friend, at the mall and went and saw "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". I was really good! I'm not sure if I liked it as much as the first and third Indiana Jones movies, the second one is stupid and unmentionable, but I still really enjoyed it and highly suggest it as well. I'm might write a review on that later also.

Anyway, after the movie, we went shopping for a while, ate lunch, and then went home. By this time, it was almost 4:00 in the afternoon. But soon afterward, I had to leave again and do shopping for the Trek. That took FOREVER. But I'm almost completely ready to go now.

Anyway, that's my dumb story about my freakishly busy yesterday and today. Hopefully, I didn't bore you all to death. And hopefully tomorrow will be less busy. Anyway, it's late and I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

...oh yeah, I forgot to mention something important. I have to speak in church tomorrow! So, wish me luck and hope that I don't screw everything up...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Completely Encumbered

So today was an interesting day. Besides being my last day of school, which I will get to later, I had a funny experience.

When I left school today, I had a large reading book, a yearbook, and some pencils and pens. And my cell phone too but whatever. Anyway, we're not aloud to bring backpacks to school during the last week (the staff is terrified of pranks) so I brought everything in a medium sized carry bag. Everything fit perfectly.

Because it's also finals, we only went to our 2nd, 4th, and 6th hours (we had gone to the other hours yesterday). Anyway, in 2nd hour, which is Seminary, I had to take home my notebook and my scriptures, which includes the Bible, Old and New Testaments, Book of Mormon, D&C, and the Pearl of Great Price. So, when I left that class, I had my seminary notebook, my scriptures, my large reading book, my yearbook, and some pencils and pens.

Next, in my 4th hour, which is Choir, my friend Rachael gave me back the book she had been borrowing, which happened to be "Wicked". And later, my teacher said we needed to take home our choir notebooks as well. So now I had "Wicked", my choir notebook, my seminary notebook, my scriptures, my large reading book, my yearbook, and some pencils and pens.

Now, at this point, my bag weight about ten pounds. Not too bad except that it didn't all fit in there and I had to carry some things by hand. Also, the bag was getting uncomfortable to put on my shoulder.

On my way to 6th hour, I bought some food. Two muffins and a water bottle. Not heavy. Except I had to carry it all in my already full hands.

Then, at 6th hour, our teacher gave us this stupid AIMS booklet, and it was a big booklet, that said how we had done on previous AIMS tests and told us what we needed to study for next year. And then later, we got the final edition for our school newspaper. And then, on my way to the office to turn in some paper, I met up with some of my friends. They wanted me to sign this shirt, which I agreed too. Then, we had to leave each other as we were heading in different directions and I accidentally walked off with not just the shirt, but the Sharpe marker as well. So, when I finally reached the office, I looked like a total dork. At that point, I was carrying a Sharpe marker, a tee-shirt, an AIMS booklet, a copy of the school newspaper, two muffin wrappers, a half-empty water bottle, "Wicked", my choir notebook, my seminary notebook, my scriptures, my large reading book, my yearbook, and some pencils and pens. You would not believe how stupid I looked.

And that is my story. The moral is, not being able to bring your backpacks to school is a dumb rule.

The End

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bad Picture Day...

So, the other day, I got a hair cut! We didn't take off much length wise but my aunt gave it a bunch of layers, to thin it out, and I have my bangs back. I'm so happy!

NOW, you're probably wondering why there aren't any pictures of my new, and totally awesome, hair. Well, funny story. Yesterday, I asked my mom to take some pictures of me and my hair. We literally took like, a hundred pictures. And they all SUCK! I've always been extremely unphotogenic, meaning I look like crap in all my pictures, but this really just proves it. But we're going to keep trying and hopefully we'll get a good picture sometime.

...okay, I lied. There was one good picture. But my hair wasn't really in it. And my mom didn't take it. It was Brenna. (For those of you who may not know, Brenna is my seven year old sister.) Now that is just weird.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Homework... Or lack thereof...

You know how people always complain about how they have so much homework during that last few weeks of school? I still don't understand the feeling. I have no homework tonight, I had only one very easy thing yesterday, and even if I do start having homework, it won't bother me all that much. I'm passing with stars in almost all my classes so if I have to skip a homework assignment, there's no way I'd get below a B. Most likely and A.

So, I'm not concerned about the end of school. I'm more concerned about the beginning of the Pioneer Trek. It's in two weeks and I still haven't gone on the 3 to 5 mile hike. *sigh* Darn those Trek requirements.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good Morning!

I'll try to make this quick, I have to leave for school like, well now actually.

Anyway, I just decided to put something up for the heck of it. So, enjoy the picture!

Monday, May 12, 2008

So, lots of things have happened in the days I haven't updated. But, I'll just stick with today and one major event of this weekend and get to everything else some other time.

First of all, I hurt my head. See, I stood up to fast and hit my head on my dad's shelf in his office. Not only was it bruised, it was bleeding. So now, I have a large cut on my forehead. It's healing surprisingly quick though. It's probably be gone in a week.

And today, we had this choir party thing. It was really fun. We ate lots of food (really yummy food!), looked at some pictures from our field trip (which I still need to write about), and were given awards. I received the "Musical Aptitude" award. It's because I got the highest score in the class, by ten percent, on this "music aptitude" test thing. It basically shows your natural ability. I had gotten an 86%.

Anyway, I'm tired now but I'll try to update tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bored & Unimaginative

I'm feeling bored and unimaginative today so I thought I'd just put up something amusing...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

'Wicked" is, well, wicked!

Alright, so I read the most amazing book the other day. Seriously, it was so good. Many of you have probably heard of it. Raise your hand if you've heard of the musical “Wicked”. I'm certain most of you have. Now, raise your hand if you've heard it was based off a book. I can see that a few of you have put your hands down. Finally, raise your hand if you've actually read the book.

The book “Wicked”, written by Gregory Maguire, is one of the most well-written books I've read in my lifetime. And trust me, I've read a lot of books. For those who don't know, it takes place in the land of Oz several years before Dorothy comes in and is all about Elphaba, the so-called Wicked Witch of the West. It starts with her birth and ends with her death thirty-eight years later.

What makes the book extra special are all the ideas it presents. This is a novel that dares to question the truths about politics, religion, and the nature of good and evil. But it does so in such a way that, while it does ask questions, it doesn't answer them, it allows the reader to decide for themselves. It is a book about good and evil, truths and lies, and making mistakes and being forgiven.

Now, before you go to your nearest library, keep in mind that it is an adult “fairy tale”. It is clearly intended for mature readers and some viewer discretion may be advised. If your even vaguely squeamish, I'd be more than happy to send you a list of all the pages I'd advise skipping for these reasons.

But seriously, if you want a book that is both exciting and thought provoking, I would definitely recommend “Wicked”.

Monday, May 5, 2008


So I get home today, and I'm not really feeling very well. I'd been feeling nauseous all day, and really tired to make it worse, so I ate some soup. When I didn't feel better, I laid down in bed. I only meant to stay for a few minutes but by the time I opened my eyes, it was 6 o'clock. And so, I've spent most of my after-school time sleeping. But there's worse things to be done right?

Oh, and I think my sister like Howl's Moving Castle. She's is watching again in the other room...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Uneventful Sunday

I'm feeling unimaginative right now (plus my dog is whining at me) so I'll make this post short. Everything's been cool so far today, just your typical, fairly boring Sunday. But I didn't watch one of my favorite movies. If any of you haven't seen Howl's Moving Castle, go and see it asap. It's extremely good. It's on my favorite movie list (which is surprisingly small, by the way).
My four favorite movies are actually I Am Legend, Batman Begins, Howl's Moving Castle, and The Prestige. Funny, three of those movies star Christian Bale. Well, he's cool, so that's a good thing.
Anyway, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. I'll post better tomorrow.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Alright! Day two!

First of all, thanks to everyone who's commented or emailed me. It's good to know that people have visited!

Anyway, so today's actually been fairly boring. But hey, Saturdays are usually like that. So, that's all for right now. If anything cool happens later, I'll add that.

Friday, May 2, 2008

If it's not too much trouble...

Alright, just so I know who's visited and who hasn't, would everyone mind putting a comment on this post? All I need is your name really. You can put anything else you want as well but your name for sure. Thanks so much!

First Day!

Hooray!!! Today is my first official day of having a blog! I probably won't be posting anything cool today however, I'll have lots of other stuff to fix on this thing instead.