Sunday, May 4, 2008

Uneventful Sunday

I'm feeling unimaginative right now (plus my dog is whining at me) so I'll make this post short. Everything's been cool so far today, just your typical, fairly boring Sunday. But I didn't watch one of my favorite movies. If any of you haven't seen Howl's Moving Castle, go and see it asap. It's extremely good. It's on my favorite movie list (which is surprisingly small, by the way).
My four favorite movies are actually I Am Legend, Batman Begins, Howl's Moving Castle, and The Prestige. Funny, three of those movies star Christian Bale. Well, he's cool, so that's a good thing.
Anyway, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. I'll post better tomorrow.



Taylor Welker said...

I've never seen any of those movies. Sorry.

Read on said...

OMG!! I've seen all those movies! and i love em!!
im sorry your dog was whining at you shauny and thank you for commenting onn my blog!!