Friday, January 16, 2009

Why yes, you are in the right place! This is in fact Shauntel's blog and it has in fact, been updated. Amazing eh? So I suppose the shpeel about me trying to be a better blogger was a big lie. Whatever. So, I'm coming up with a new resolution- I'm going to blog sometimes! There will be no "once a day, once a week, or when something cool happens" type thing. No. I will blog when I feel like I want to blog. And hopefully this will trigger something in my brain, the part that automatically turns off when ever responsibility rears it's ugly head, and, because there's no pressure now, it will do better. Maybe. Ok probably not. But it's worth a shot right?

Anyway, some of you might be wondering what ever happened to the play. Well, I'll tell you right now, it went absolutly fantabulously (yes that is a word, 'cause I just made it up) and I have some hilarious pictures that I will definitly post as soon as possible. But then again, maybe I won't. We'll just have to see what the future holds.

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