Saturday, March 20, 2010

I guess sparkles can be good...

Oh goodness dearie me, I'm back from my blogging hiatus! 'Cause let me tell you, doing two plays in a row (South Pacific, followed immediately by Annie) can really suck the life out of ya. And then, low and behold, I got sick. Seriously, who does that?

Anyway, it's Spring Break, and I now have something commonly referred to as "time". This is actually quite an anomaly for me, so I've decided to just sorta ease into it. But in celebration of this newly discovered "time", I decided to actually blog about something.


*clasps hand over mouth*

*cough cough* Excuse me; brief moment of insanity now over. *shudders* That was weird.

Anyway, the show was awesome in case you hadn't already gathered. I didn't love the vocalists as much as I would have preferred to, (they were still very good however) and the dancing and music was spectacular. Admittedly, I tend to hold an aversion to sparkly beings,

but Mistoffelees was, hands down, my favorite.

Then again, I'm pretty sure he always has been. Anyway, Growltiger and Griddlebone in all their operatic glory were both a close second,
and the fact that that the number isn't in the movie still continues to tragify me.

Remember when I saw Phantom of the Opera? Well this was better. Wicked? Not so sure, but it was definitely its equal, possibly superior. Either way though, Cats was spectacular.

(On a funny note, the fire alarm went off near the end of the first act. It was a false alarm, probably triggered by the fog machine, but it probably couldn't have come at a worse time. I mean, here comes Grizabella, about to sing the only song you've ever heard of from this musical, Memory, and then there's this obnoxious mechanical voice in the background telling you to get the heck out of the theater. Lovely. Aw well, like I said, the show was still terrific.)



And you thought I was going to talk about Cats and not mention the Rum Tum Tugger. You're so silly, you actually thought I was going to behave all mature like. Ha and double ha!

Although not my favorite representation of him (no one beats the gorgeousness that is John Partridge, ever), the guy was still great. Hilarious too. Mom's gaydar went off, but surprisingly mine didn't, but that's probably because I'd read in the program that the guy, Adam Steiner was his name, was married. To a girl. Which, quite frankly, kinda' makes him a freak of nature. I'm mean, who ever heard of a straight guy playing the Rum Tum Tugger?

I mean really.

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