Saturday, May 24, 2008

Freakishly Busy

Alright, so these past two days have been insane. I've been busy almost all day on both days! But the good kind of busy. Some of the things I did were really fun.

Yesterday, I woke up very earlier. It was 8:30. That's unheard of for me. The previous day, I'd woken up at noon. So something weird was going on.

Anyway, so I got up and went outside and found my mom pulling weeds in the frontyard. I helped her with that for a while. Then, I went inside.

You remember all that stuff I said about the Pioneer Trek on a previous post? Well, in case you don't, I mentioned a 3-5 mile hike. Well, because it was such a nice day, it had rained, my mom, my friend Olivia, who also needed the requirement, and I went on it. Kinda. We sorta walked to the mall from my house, walked around the mall, and walked back. But hey, it counts right? It was 3-5 miles...

Shortly after that, we went and did baptisms for the dead with my cousin. (For those who may not know what that means, it's a church thing. I might explain later.) It was another thing for the Trek. Seriously, my cousin and my dad and I were so rowdy. But dang, it was hilarious. Really, who else, besides us, would ever talk about bloody injuries, pus, and gays in the temple? Good times, good times... (I have a rather funny story about that I have to tell you later. I'm short on time now but I'll tell it in another post. If I forget, please remind me in the comments.)

So after that, I went to my friend Brianne's house. I had a really great time. We hung out and watched movies the whole time. One of the things we watched was the musical "Rent". It wasn't as good as "Wicked" (but hey, what is?) but it really was good. I highly suggest it. I might write a review on the later.

Alright! Second day! Well, I'd gotten home fairly late from Brianne's, about 11:30, so I was kind of tired in the morning. At about 10:30, the phone rang. It was my friend Dorothy Ann, who had gotten surgery on Friday. She was telling me about it when my mom reminded me we were leaving soon. So, although, I would've liked to have spoken longer, I said good-bye to Dorothy and got ready to leave. We met my mom's friend and her daughter, Lindsay, my very good friend, at the mall and went and saw "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". I was really good! I'm not sure if I liked it as much as the first and third Indiana Jones movies, the second one is stupid and unmentionable, but I still really enjoyed it and highly suggest it as well. I'm might write a review on that later also.

Anyway, after the movie, we went shopping for a while, ate lunch, and then went home. By this time, it was almost 4:00 in the afternoon. But soon afterward, I had to leave again and do shopping for the Trek. That took FOREVER. But I'm almost completely ready to go now.

Anyway, that's my dumb story about my freakishly busy yesterday and today. Hopefully, I didn't bore you all to death. And hopefully tomorrow will be less busy. Anyway, it's late and I'm going to bed. Goodnight!

...oh yeah, I forgot to mention something important. I have to speak in church tomorrow! So, wish me luck and hope that I don't screw everything up...

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