Monday, May 12, 2008

So, lots of things have happened in the days I haven't updated. But, I'll just stick with today and one major event of this weekend and get to everything else some other time.

First of all, I hurt my head. See, I stood up to fast and hit my head on my dad's shelf in his office. Not only was it bruised, it was bleeding. So now, I have a large cut on my forehead. It's healing surprisingly quick though. It's probably be gone in a week.

And today, we had this choir party thing. It was really fun. We ate lots of food (really yummy food!), looked at some pictures from our field trip (which I still need to write about), and were given awards. I received the "Musical Aptitude" award. It's because I got the highest score in the class, by ten percent, on this "music aptitude" test thing. It basically shows your natural ability. I had gotten an 86%.

Anyway, I'm tired now but I'll try to update tomorrow!

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