Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Untitled (because I'm too tired to think of anything else)

This week, so far, hasn't been too boring, but I think what's happening tomorrow will probably beat anything that's happened so far. Pioneer Treks do that to you.

Remember that talk I mentioned earlier? Well, nothing exciting happened during that. Although my name was spelled incorrectly on the program.


Anyway, so no big updates today. That main reason I'm even writing is to tell everyone that I'll be gone until Saturday evening. As I said before, the Pioneer Trek is tomorrow. I probably won't get an update on until Sunday, most likely later.

But anyway, I'm pretty excited overall. I don't really know what expect (except from what my dad told me about how it was last time - he was a leader) but I think it should be fun enough. My only real fear is that I'll forget something vitally important like shoes or something. Or that it will start snowing. Yeah... that'd be bad too.

Whatever. I'm fairly excited and I'm hoping for the best.


Lindz said...

have fun!

phantom said...

HA HA Shauney!!

I don't have to do a trek until im 16!!!!!!!!!

PS, guess who it is!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindz said...

i have no idea when i do my trek... besides, i'm back from camp!!! i'm in love with my shower now

Shauntel said...

Phantom, I have a funny feeling you might just be James. But that's only 'cause you you called me Shauney and your email has phantom in it as well. Just a guess though, I could be wrong.

By the way, for anyone who's wondering why I haven't updated, I apologize sincerely. I'm such a dork! I will update ASAP, I promise. Hopefully tomorrow.