Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In Which I Am (or at least, will be in) "The Brute"

As I mentioned on one of my little random side comments about three weeks ago, I'm in a play, I got the lead, and it's actually coming together. The show's this weekend actually- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, at 7 in my school's auditorium. This is part of the reason I haven't really been updating- I've been a bit busy with lines due to the fact that there's only three people in the show. It's a one act, but still; it's a lot.

Anyway, I'm just advertising for the sake of advertising. You don't have to come, although it would be awesome if you did.

(PS, just so you don't feel like you're being jiped money-wise, I should mention that it's a double feature show. My show is a one act, and we're followed by another one act play that's just a touch longer. Both are comedies, so it'll be entertaining.)

Anyway, it's $2 for students and $3 for adults. I'll put up at least one video once it's over though, for those who are lame and don't come. (Yes, more than one of my readers live in Washington. That's no excuse.)


So what, you want me to say something funny? Needy much? Fine, I'll give you a hint at a future project. At this point, I'm probably going to do an entire post devoted to the art of stage kissing. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Grandma in NEAZ said...

Shauntel, your blog is intriguing to read. However, the black background is distracting and hard to navigate through. For little old ladies like myself, I would appreciate you lightening up a bit, the color that is. Even for others who are not little old ladies, I think it's too dark and threatening. Is that your intent in the first place? -- just my opinion in NEAZ