So yeah, summer. Whoosh. Let me tell you, I have honestly been gone every other week. Which is totally weird frankly- I've never been gone this much in the summer time. Actually, by the time school starts, I'll have been gone a grand total of five weeks. There's eight weeks of summer. Do the math.
First vacation- Girl's Camp. Which was okay... I guess... The theme was very cool- superheroes- so there's some good stuff there. Every ward was supposed to pick a superhero as sorta our mascot, and ours was Optimus Prime. Once again, very cool. Some of the other wards picked liked, Wonder Woman, Super Girl, stuff like that, all of which are legit and cool too. One of them picked Rosie the Riveter randomly. I was kind of like "what?" but I ended up accepting it once I saw some of the laughable stuff the other wards had picked. Some of them I guess decided it was okay to start making up their own so we ended up with things like "Virtue Girls" and "Shikara" (which I guess for all I know could actually be a real one, but she's drawn in Japanese anime style so I'm automatically entitled to make fun of it anyway). Also, one of them picked the "Fair Maidens". *sigh* I don't know how you get princesses out of superheroes (Xena: Warrior Princess maybe? But if that was point... well they obviously missed it.) but I guess it was bound to happen.
Haha funny story. Our camp, with our Optimus Prime, was stationed right next to the "Fair Maidens" camp. And trust me, the two campsites... well, you could say they looked very different. To give you an idea, this was our logo:

Second vacation- EFY. I'd never been before so this was all a new experience for me. Two of my best friends on the face of the planet were going to be there, (one of whom was to be my roommate) so that had pretty much guaranteed before hand that even if it sucked, it couldn't be all that bad. It didn't suck, but I think it deserves it's own post, so I'll save the details.
Third vacation- Ramah, New Mexico. I've been there at least a million times, but it always manages to be fun. More details later? That would probably be easiest.
But anyway, the here and now! Fourth vacation- Washington. Well, I'm currently in Utah, but that's besides the point. I'm staying with my uncle and aunt currently (Dallan and Stephanie, for those who are curious) and so far it's been pretty fun. I've pretty much been (literally) bombarded by my cousins with love and hugs (my sleeve is being violently tugged on as I speak... er write) but they love me so it's cool.
Haha, another funny story. So the last time I saw my cousins, they stayed at my house for a week. I had them watch Cats. Soooooo, I walk in the door two days ago and the first thing the older one says to me, at 100 works a minute, is "Oh Shauntel! I love that Cats movie you showed me; I think I'm going to buy it." Not a "hi" or a "sup" or even a "what are you doing here you freak", just a, well, that. Stephanie explained to me that ever since they watched it, they've listened to it non stop and kept the DVD for months when they rented it. She's happy with it though. As am I. I'm actually rather proud of myself for converting them.
Anyway I suppose I sorta lied since I'm not actually in Washington yet, but I'll get there eventually. It's funny though. I mean, I'm in Utah. And as most people know, I like to make fun of Utah. It's fun. However, I'm quickly running out of fodder, since so far all the stuff I've seen has been awesome. Plus, you can look at the sky (which, turns out, is blue, and not grayish) and not hurt your eyes.
Also, everything is green. It's kinda weirding me out.
But whatev. That's the Arizonian in me speaking. And we all know Arizona is still the best state ever.
Utah is NOT green. Just wait to you arrive in Washington. It's not called the "Evergreen State" for nothing. Whenever I go back to Utah now it looks so brown by comparison.
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