This is the second book in the Noble Dead series and I still continue to enjoy it. Anything that successfully holds my attention for this long definitely has something special about it.
THE BASICS: *Spoilers for the ending of the first book ahead* Word has gotten out about how Magiere and Leesil, a half-elf, which I had forgotten to previously mention, dispatched the vampires living in Miiska and Magiere is starting to accept, however grudgingly, that there's some truth in her possibly being a dhampir, a half-vampire, half-human who specialize in killing vampires, and that her role in the world might be more important than that of a tavern owner. *End Spoiler* Mysterious deaths start occurring in the capitol city of Bela and the duo are summoned to investigate.
THE CHARACTERS: Magiere and Leesil still continue to be some of my favorite characters ever. Their interaction, both humorous and occasionally sweet, is realistic, which is definitely unique on it's own. When mentioned in the wrong light, they sound like two love-interests in a really lame romantic comedy. And they very easily could have been. I'll get to why they're not in the next section.
The villains are improved somewhat, in the sense that I didn't want them to win quite as much. There was at least one I was actually voting for (his name is Chane, and I mention him because he becomes extremely important later) and the ones I wasn't especially fond of, namely Toret and Sapphire, were because if I met non-evil human equivalents of them in real life, I still wouldn't like them anyway simply because their personalities and mine are pretty much incompatible. Namely, Toret is a kind of a wimp and Sapphire is a total skank.
TECHNICAL STUFF: This entire story had a risky premise- meaning that it had the potential to get really stupid, really fast. Having read many books, I saw a variety of the usual, annoying cliches approaching, none of which actually occurred. *Spoilers* There was definite potential for the whole "I love you but we can't be together because it's just too dangerous" cliche and the whole "someone seeing something they probably shouldn't have seen and getting needlessly and stupidly angry at the person about it" indeed could have been an occurrence. *End Spoiler* But guess what? Neither of those things happened! And yes, this is a cause for celebration! Because I probably would have hated this book if either of those things had occurred.
THE THEME: Doing bad things for a good cause defeats the purpose. Also, the basic "trust your friends" message is in there somewhere also.
OVERALL: I forgot to mention one more thing I love about this book. It's funny. It's an honest to goodness "it's a good thing I didn't read this one during a quiet moment in class because I would have laughed out loud and embarrassed myself" type of book.
So basically, this book is amazing. The end.
So hey! Do you have any suggestions for future reviews? I'd love to hear them.
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