Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Brief Re-Cap of this Year

It's that time of year again! Namely, the end of it. The school part anyway.

This year has been memorable for many serious, funny, and just plain odd reasons. For example, I found out about a new talent I had. Turns out, I can act! Who new?

Just to recap, I was in the most advanced choir group this year, I was a lead in one play, a prominent side character in another (which, yes, I still need to put up pictures for), the object of many boy's affections (5 actually), read some amazing books, went to Disneyland, got a 103% in my English class, discovered a new love for biology, and a new hatred for geometry.

So honestly, I think Sophomore year has been my most memorable yet. I think I'll be sad to leave it.

1 comment:

CSimper said...

I knew. Muhahahahaha